Abstract submission instructions

Abstract submission information and instructions

  1. Abstracts can be up to 400 words long, including all relevant information. Authors' names, affiliations, and contact information are not part of this word count. The format is plain text without figures.

  2. To submit an abstract, you need a 'sciencesconf' account which can be created on the workshop webpage by clicking on "login" (upper right corner).

  3. Please choose the most relevant keywords among the proposed categories A (approach), B (linguistic grain size), and C (methodology). To select multiple keywords (e.g., one for A, one for B, one for C) keep the Cmd/Ctrl key pressed when clicking. It is very helpful that each submission has at least three keywords.

  4. We welcome "sandbox" posters reporting unfinished, preregistered, or prospective research projects; please add the keyword "D_sandbox" for those cases.

  5. If entering an affiliation located in France, you will have to complete two fields; “name” is for your laboratory or department; “organization” is for your “organisme de tutelle."

  6. The abstracts will be reviewed for soundness and topic appropriateness for the workshop.

  7. The submission is open until Sunday March, 17th Friday March, 22nd. Acceptance will be communicated around April 15th. 

  8. To start a submission, click on New submission on the left column.
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